When I was growing up, there were three shops in my small town which stocked films. One was exclusively for video hire, another was a general store with a large selection and the other was the local Spar, which is now the only one which still rents films out. Spar’s video section back then was almost another shop in itself, housing hundreds of those huge, bulky VHS cases in every available space. Gradually through the years however, the stock has diminished to a point where the last time I visited, it had been relegated to a flimsy corner space, with literally a handful of DVD’s available, all mainstream studio titles.
Before the advent of digital, the video shop was a veritable treasure trove of cinematic all-sorts. Although I had much love for the big Hollywood titles on offer, I was equally enthralled by the multitude of cheap, straight-to-video genre B-movies available, with their lurid, air-brushed covers and trashy but always fun content. It also brings a smile to my face when I remember Crocodile Dundee being the most sought-after title back in the late-eighties. Seriously, that film was like gold-dust. I can still see my Dad, more than once, coming back from the video shops empty-handed, having been unable to procure a copy, much to the intense disappointment of his family. It was like he’d failed to provide for us that week or something. It was hilarious really. I mean, does anyone still remember that film now, let alone consider it a classic, worthy of a place in their all-time favourites list? My memories probably seem very quaint and whimsical now, but the local video shops really did possess a weird power over our community.
I think companies like Lovefilm offer a fantastic, alternative rental service for both the modern cineaste and any discerning film fan but they lack the unique experience that the video shop once offered. The opportunity to seek out or chance upon an unknown film, in both an intimate and tangible way, is a major loss to the young film-buffs of today - a similar grievance, I imagine, that lovers of vinyl have in the digital i-tunes age.
Look at me being all overly-nostalgic and wistful. You’d think these were the ramblings of an old man, not a sad thirty-something film geek. Perhaps I’ll console myself by watching Be Kind, Rewind again or Clerks for the 100th time.
Adam, it's Jimbo - I remember spending an hour & a half once in a video store. It was always a challange to find something as good as the latest releases upon finding that they had all gone already, at 17:15 on a Friday night!! I then remember the advent of the video store flyer. A A5 peice of paper with the future releases listed. This stayed at home in a safe place and sometimes, the calander was marked so I knew when to get down there ASAP.
ReplyDeleteI too have recently become involved in the online rental service but am finding myself drawn into this world of blank emotion and left feeling empty. As you mentioned, the latest films are so quick to be released on DVD & then the film channels that there's no anticipation. And due to the credit crunch the january sales are still in full effect. This means that the films I REALLY want to see but missed (Ché Pt 1 & 2 - Warlords (Jet Li)) are cheep enough for me to buy. So what am I renting from LoveFilm? Things I wasn't too bothered about at the flicks but will not part with my money to own the 2 disc edition. And as you said, looking at all the covers in the store is something to behold, but I find the online stores so uninspiring I often get board. And having the rental list means you know what's being sent, for the next 4 weeks, again leaving the anticipation and wonder at home at the thought of what you might find this week.
You know full well I love my vinyl, and original DVD copies too so never have the time or patience to download anything. But as Pioneer have just released the first blu-ray DVD/Hard drive/Photo Album recorder/Coffee machine, then it's only gonna be too soon that we can download Blu-ray films direct from the distribution companies. So where does that leave the DVD or the online rental services? Just another Web based company gone bust?