What I intend to do on a monthly basis from now on, is to link all my posts from that blog to here. January's is below.
Cinema Reviews
Young Adult
Following the potentially game-changing Up in the Air, director Jason Reitman (admirably) returns to a smaller, indie-flavoured milieu, re-teaming with his Juno scribe Diablo Cody to bring another highly memorable female character to life...(Full Review)
The Descendants
Director Alexander Payne returns to the big screen (after an almost eight-year absence) with a somewhat unexpectedly gentle comedy-drama which is free from the biting satire and humorous cynicism which characterised his earlier work...(Full Review)
J. Edgar
The ever-prolific Clint Eastwood (this is his eleventh directorial feature since 2000) returns with the absorbing, if flawed, (mildly) revisionist take on the personal life of an equally revered and feared historical US figure.Tracing J. Edgar Hoover’s meteoric rise...(Full Review)
Another Shakespearian text receives the contemporary treatment (albeit via one of his lesser-known plays) with Bard veteran Ralph Fiennes making his directorial debut alongside ably filling the central role of proud and defiant general, Gaius Marcius Coriolanus...(Full Review)
Surprisingly violent and often very funny, Goon is an underdog sporting tale with a difference, and featuring a career best performance from Seann William Scott, it’s well worth getting your skates on and heading out to see it on the big screen. The man who is still chiefly known as Stifler...(Full Review)
DVD/Blu-ray Reviews
Stay Cool

Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Next Level
Some of you will be able to cast your minds back to the time when BBC2 first played host to the interplanetary adventures of an all-new cast of Starfleet officers, still obsessed with that quest to boldly go to the places man has yet to tread. Star Trek: The Next Generation was a genuine TV...(Full Review)
Kaui Hart Hemmings, author of The Descendants
Author Kaui Hart Hemming has seen her highly-praised debut novel The Descendants turned into an equally celebrated (and now potential multiple Oscar-winning) Hollywood picture. The story of a workaholic father in Hawaii who is forced to take the emotional reins following a tragic inciden...(Full Review)